A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _


addSourceDirs - Property in SpotBugsMojo
Run Spotbugs with -sourcepath parameter populated with the known source roots.
allSourceFiles - Field in SourceFileIndexer
List of source files found in the current Maven project.
artifactId - Property in PluginArtifact
The artifact id.
artifactResolver - Property in BaseViolationCheckMojo
Artifact resolver, needed to download the coreplugin jar.
artifactResolver - Property in SpotBugsGui
Artifact resolver, needed to download the coreplugin jar.
artifactResolver - Property in SpotBugsMojo
Artifact resolver, needed to download the coreplugin jar.
assembleJxrHyperlink(groovy.xml.slurpersupport.GPathResult) - Method in SpotbugsReportGenerator
Assembles the hyperlink to point to the source code.


BACKWARD_SLASH - Field in SpotBugsInfo
The backward slash character.
basedir - Property in SpotbugsReportGenerator
Base directory.
BaseViolationCheckMojo - Class in org.codehaus.mojo.spotbugs
BaseViolationCheckMojo() - Constructor in BaseViolationCheckMojo
BLANK - Field in SpotBugsInfo
The blank character.
bugClasses - Property in SpotbugsReportGenerator
Bug classes.
bugClasses - Property in XDocsReporter
Bug Classes.
bugCount - Property in SpotBugsMojo
The bug count.
bugCount - Property in SpotbugsReportGenerator
The running total of bugs reported.
buildListSourceFiles(org.apache.maven.execution.MavenSession) - Method in SourceFileIndexer
Initialize the complete list of source files with their
BUNDLE_NAME - Field in SpotBugsInfo
The name of the property resource bundle (Filesystem).
bundle - Property in SpotBugsMojo
The resource bundle.
bundle - Property in SpotbugsReportGenerator
The bundle to get the messages from.
bundle - Property in XDocsReporter
The bundle to get the messages from.


canGenerateReport() - Method in SpotBugsMojo
Checks whether prerequisites for generating this report are given.
CheckMojo - Class in org.codehaus.mojo.spotbugs
Fail the build if there were any SpotBugs violations in the source code.
CheckMojo() - Constructor in CheckMojo
CLASS_SUFFIX - Field in SpotBugsInfo
The static class suffix.
classFilesDirectory - Property in BaseViolationCheckMojo
Directory containing the class files for Spotbugs to analyze.
classFilesDirectory - Property in SpotBugsGui
Directory containing the class files for Spotbugs to analyze.
classFilesDirectory - Property in SpotBugsMojo
Directory containing the class files for Spotbugs to analyze.
classifier - Property in PluginArtifact
The classifier.
COLUMN_BUG_KEY - Property in SpotbugsReportGenerator
The key to get the column title for the bug.
COLUMN_BUGS_KEY - Property in SpotbugsReportGenerator
The key to get the column title for the bugs.
COLUMN_CATEGORY_KEY - Property in SpotbugsReportGenerator
The key to get the column title for the category.
COLUMN_CLASS_KEY - Property in SpotbugsReportGenerator
The key to column title for the Class.
COLUMN_CLASSES_KEY - Property in SpotbugsReportGenerator
The key to column title for the Classes.
COLUMN_DETAILS_KEY - Property in SpotbugsReportGenerator
The key to get the column title for the details.
COLUMN_ERRORS_KEY - Property in SpotbugsReportGenerator
The key to column title for the errors.
COLUMN_FILES_KEY - Property in SpotbugsReportGenerator
The key to column title for the files.
COLUMN_LINE_KEY - Property in SpotbugsReportGenerator
The key to get the column title for the line.
COLUMN_MISSINGCLASSES_KEY - Property in SpotbugsReportGenerator
The key to column title for the files.
COLUMN_PRIORITY_KEY - Property in SpotbugsReportGenerator
The key to get the column title for the priority.
COMMA - Field in SpotBugsInfo
The comma character.
compileSourceRoots - Property in SpotbugsReportGenerator
The directories containing the sources to be compiled.
compileSourceRoots - Property in XDocsReporter
The directories containing the sources to be compiled.
createSpotbugsAuxClasspathFile() - Method in SpotBugsMojo
Create the Spotbugs AuxClasspath file.
currentClassName - Property in SpotbugsReportGenerator
The name of the current class which is analysed by SpotBugs.


debug - Property in BaseViolationCheckMojo
Turn on Spotbugs debugging.
debug - Property in SpotBugsGui
Turn on Spotbugs debugging.
debug - Property in SpotBugsMojo
Turn on Spotbugs debugging.
DESCRIPTION_KEY - Field in SpotBugsInfo
The key to get the description of the Plug-In from the bundle.
DETAILSLINK_KEY - Property in SpotbugsReportGenerator
The key to get the link to SpotBugs description page from the bundle.
doHeading() - Method in SpotbugsReportGenerator
Prints the top header sections of the report.
doSourceFilesExist() - Method in BaseViolationCheckMojo


effort - Property in BaseViolationCheckMojo
Effort of the bug finders.
EFFORT_KEY - Property in SpotbugsReportGenerator
The key to get the effort of the report from the bundle.
effort - Property in SpotBugsGui
Effort of the bug finders.
effort - Property in SpotBugsMojo
Effort of the bug finders.
effort - Property in SpotbugsReportGenerator
The used effort for searching bugs.
effort - Property in XDocsReporter
The used effort for searching bugs.
encoding - Property in SpotBugsGui
The file encoding to use when reading the source files.
EOL - Field in SpotBugsInfo
The end of line separator.
errorCount - Property in SpotBugsMojo
The error count.
errorCount - Property in SpotbugsReportGenerator
The running total of errors reported.
evaluateThresholdParameter(java.lang.String) - Method in XDocsReporter
Returns the threshold string value for the integer input.
excludeBugsFile - Property in BaseViolationCheckMojo
File names of the baseline files.
excludeBugsFile - Property in SpotBugsMojo
File names of the baseline files.
excludeBugsFiles - Property in SpotBugsMojo
File names of the baseline files.
excludeFilterFile - Property in BaseViolationCheckMojo
File name of the exclude filter.
excludeFilterFile - Property in SpotBugsMojo
File name of the exclude filter.
excludeFilterFiles - Property in SpotBugsMojo
File name for exclude filter files.
execute() - Method in BaseViolationCheckMojo
execute() - Method in SpotBugsGui
execute() - Method in SpotBugsMojo
executeCheck() - Method in SpotBugsMojo
executeReport(java.util.Locale) - Method in SpotBugsMojo
Executes the generation of the report.
executeSpotbugs(java.io.File) - Method in SpotBugsMojo
Set up and run the Spotbugs engine.
EXTENSIONS - Field in SpotBugsInfo
The extensions to search files for.


factory - Property in SpotBugsGui
Used to look up Artifacts in the remote repository.
factory - Property in SpotBugsMojo
Used to look up Artifacts in the remote repository.
failOnError - Property in BaseViolationCheckMojo
Fail the build on an error.
failOnError - Property in SpotBugsMojo
Fail the build on an error.
failThreshold - Property in BaseViolationCheckMojo
Priority threshold which bugs have to reach to cause a failure.
fileCount - Property in SpotbugsReportGenerator
The running total of files analyzed.
FILES_KEY - Property in SpotbugsReportGenerator
The key to get the files title of the Plug-In from the bundle.
forceFileCreation(java.io.File) - Method in SpotBugsMojo
For the file creation by creating the file AND folder if needed.
fork - Property in BaseViolationCheckMojo
Fork a VM for Spotbugs analysis.
fork - Property in SpotBugsMojo
Fork a VM for Spotbugs analysis.
FORWARD_SLASH - Field in SpotBugsInfo
The forward slash character.


generateReport() - Method in SpotbugsReportGenerator
generateReport() - Method in XDocsReporter
generateXDoc(java.util.Locale) - Method in SpotBugsMojo
getArtifactResolver() - Method in SpotBugsPluginsTrait
getBundle(java.lang.Object) - Method in SpotBugsMojo
getDescription(java.util.Locale) - Method in SpotBugsMojo
Returns the plugins description for the "generated reports" overview page.
getEffortParameter() - Method in SpotBugsPluginsTrait
Returns the effort parameter to use.
getFactory() - Method in SpotBugsPluginsTrait
getLog() - Method in SpotBugsPluginsTrait
getName(java.util.Locale) - Method in SpotBugsMojo
Returns the plugins name for the "generated reports" overview page and the menu.
getOutputDirectory() - Method in SpotBugsMojo
Returns the report output directory allowed to be not read only as defined in AbstractMavenParent.
getOutputName() - Method in SpotBugsMojo
Returns report output file name, without the extension.
getPluginList() - Method in SpotBugsPluginsTrait
getPlugins() - Method in SpotBugsPluginsTrait
getReportTitle() - Method in SpotbugsReportGenerator
Gets the report title.
getResourceAsFile(java.lang.String, java.lang.String) - Method in ResourceHelper
getResourceFile(java.lang.String) - Method in ResourceHelper
Get the File reference for a File passed in as a string reference.
getResourceManager() - Method in SpotBugsPluginsTrait
getSiteRenderer() - Method in SpotBugsMojo
Return the Site Renderer.
getSpotbugsArgs(java.io.File, java.io.File, java.io.File) - Method in SpotBugsMojo
Get the Spotbugs command line arguments.
getSpotbugsPlugins() - Method in SpotBugsPluginsTrait
Adds the specified plugins to spotbugs.
getSpotBugsVersion() - Method in XDocsReporter
Gets the Spotbugs Version of the report.
getSpotbugsXmlOutputDirectory() - Method in SpotBugsPluginsTrait
getThresholdParameter() - Method in SpotBugsMojo
Returns the threshold parameter to use.
groupId - Property in PluginArtifact
The group id.


htmlOutput - Property in SpotBugsMojo
Turn on and off HTML output of the Spotbugs report.


includeFilterFile - Property in BaseViolationCheckMojo
File name of the include filter.
includeFilterFile - Property in SpotBugsMojo
File name of the include filter.
includeFilterFiles - Property in SpotBugsMojo
File name for include filter files.
includeTests - Property in BaseViolationCheckMojo
Run Spotbugs on the tests.
includeTests - Property in SpotBugsMojo
Run Spotbugs on the tests.
includeTests - Property in SpotbugsReportGenerator
Run Spotbugs on the tests.
isJxrPluginEnabled() - Method in SpotBugsMojo
Determines if the JXR-Plugin is included in the report section of the POM.
isJXRReportEnabled - Property in SpotbugsReportGenerator
Signals if the jxr report plugin is enabled.


JAVA_SOURCES_KEY - Field in SpotBugsInfo
The key to get the java source message of the Plug-In from the bundle.
jvmArgs - Property in BaseViolationCheckMojo
The arguments to pass to the forked VM (ignored if fork is disabled).
jvmArgs - Property in SpotBugsMojo
The arguments to pass to the forked VM (ignored if fork is disabled).



LINK_KEY - Property in SpotbugsReportGenerator
The key to get the report link of the Plug-In from the bundle.
LINKTITLE_KEY - Property in SpotbugsReportGenerator
The key to get the report link title of the Plug-In from the bundle.
locale - Property in SpotBugsGui
Locale to use for Resource bundle.
log - Property in ResourceHelper
The log.
log - Property in SpotbugsReportGenerator
The logger to write logs to.
log - Property in XDocsReporter
The logger to write logs to.


maxAllowedViolations - Property in BaseViolationCheckMojo
specified max number of violations which can be ignored by the spotbugs.
maxHeap - Property in BaseViolationCheckMojo
Maximum Java heap size in megabytes (default=512).
maxHeap - Property in SpotBugsGui
Maximum Java heap size in megabytes (default=512).
maxHeap - Property in SpotBugsMojo
Maximum Java heap size in megabytes (default=512).
maxRank - Property in BaseViolationCheckMojo
Maximum bug ranking to record.
maxRank - Property in SpotBugsMojo
Maximum bug ranking to record.
missingClassCount - Property in SpotbugsReportGenerator
The running total of missing classes reported.
missingClassSet - Property in SpotbugsReportGenerator
The Set of missing classes names reported.


NAME_KEY - Field in SpotBugsInfo
The key to get the name of the Plug-In from the bundle.
nested - Property in BaseViolationCheckMojo
This option enables or disables scanning of nested jar and zip files found in the list of files and directories to be analyzed.
nested - Property in SpotBugsMojo
This option enables or disables scanning of nested jar and zip files found in the list of files and directories to be analyzed.
noClassOk - Property in SpotBugsMojo
Output empty warning file if no classes are specified.
NOLINE_KEY - Property in SpotbugsReportGenerator
The key to get the value if the line number is not available.
NOLINE_KEY - Property in XDocsReporter
The key to get the value if the line number is not available.
normalizePath(java.lang.String) - Method in SourceFileIndexer
Normalize path to use forward slash.


omitVisitors - Property in BaseViolationCheckMojo
The visitor list to omit.
omitVisitors - Property in SpotBugsMojo
The visitor list to omit.
onlyAnalyze - Property in BaseViolationCheckMojo
Restrict analysis to the given comma-separated list of classes and packages.
onlyAnalyze - Property in SpotBugsMojo
Restrict analysis to the given comma-separated list of classes and packages.
openClassReportSection(java.lang.String) - Method in SpotbugsReportGenerator
Initialized a bug report section in the report for a particular class.
outputDirectory - Property in BaseViolationCheckMojo
Location where generated html will be created.
outputDirectory - Property in ResourceHelper
The output directory.
outputDirectory - Property in SpotBugsMojo
Location where generated html will be created allowed to be not read only as defined in AbstractMavenParent.
outputDirectory - Property in SpotbugsReportGenerator
Location where generated html will be created.
outputEncoding - Property in BaseViolationCheckMojo
The file encoding to use when creating the HTML reports.
outputEncoding - Property in SpotBugsMojo
The file encoding to use when creating the HTML reports.
outputEncoding - Property in XDocsReporter
The output encoding.
outputSpotbugsFile - Property in SpotBugsMojo
The output spotbugs file.
outputWriter - Property in XDocsReporter
The output Writer stream.


PERIOD - Field in SpotBugsInfo
The period character.
PLUGIN_NAME - Field in SpotBugsInfo
The name of the Plug-In.
PluginArtifact - Class in org.codehaus.mojo.spotbugs
PluginArtifact() - Constructor in PluginArtifact
pluginArtifacts - Property in BaseViolationCheckMojo
List of artifacts this plugin depends on.
pluginArtifacts - Property in SpotBugsGui
List of artifacts this plugin depends on.
pluginArtifacts - Property in SpotBugsMojo
List of artifacts this plugin depends on.
pluginList - Property in BaseViolationCheckMojo
The plugin list to include in the report.
pluginList - Property in SpotBugsGui
The plugin list to include in the report.
pluginList - Property in SpotBugsMojo
The plugin list to include in the report.
plugins - Property in SpotBugsGui
Collection of PluginArtifact to work on.
plugins - Property in SpotBugsMojo
Collection of PluginArtifact to work on.
printBody() - Method in SpotbugsReportGenerator
See Also:
printBug(java.lang.String) - Method in SpotbugsReportGenerator
Print the bug collection to a line in the table
printBugs(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object) - Method in BaseViolationCheckMojo
printFilesSummary() - Method in SpotbugsReportGenerator
Print the File Summary Section.
printSummary() - Method in SpotbugsReportGenerator
Print the Summary Section.


quiet - Property in BaseViolationCheckMojo
Disable bugs log.


relaxed - Property in BaseViolationCheckMojo
Relaxed reporting mode.
relaxed - Property in SpotBugsMojo
Relaxed reporting mode.
REPORT_TITLE_KEY - Property in SpotbugsReportGenerator
The key to get the report title of the Plug-In from the bundle.
ResourceHelper - Class in org.codehaus.mojo.spotbugs
ResourceHelper(org.apache.maven.plugin.logging.Log, java.io.File, org.codehaus.plexus.resource.ResourceManager) - Constructor in ResourceHelper
resourceManager - Property in BaseViolationCheckMojo
Resource Manager.
resourceManager - Property in ResourceHelper
The resource manager.
resourceManager - Property in SpotBugsGui
Resource Manager.
resourceManager - Property in SpotBugsMojo
Resource Manager.


sarifFullPath - Property in SpotBugsMojo
Sarif full Path used with sarif.
sarifOutput - Property in SpotBugsMojo
Turn on and off SARIF output of the Spotbugs report.
sarifOutputDirectory - Property in SpotBugsMojo
Specifies the directory where the sarif output will be generated.
sarifOutputFilename - Property in SpotBugsMojo
Set the name of the output SARIF file produced.
scanDirectory(java.io.File, List<String>, java.lang.String) - Method in SourceFileIndexer
Recursively scan the directory given and add all files found to the files array list.
searchActualFilesLocation(java.lang.String) - Method in SourceFileIndexer
Transform partial path to complete path
session - Property in BaseViolationCheckMojo
Maven Session.
session - Property in SpotBugsGui
Maven Session.
session - Property in SpotBugsMojo
Maven Session.
setReportOutputDirectory(java.io.File) - Method in SpotBugsMojo
Set report output directory, allowed to be not read only as defined in AbstractMavenParent.
sink - Property in SpotbugsReportGenerator
The sink to write the report to.
siteRenderer - Property in BaseViolationCheckMojo
Doxia Site Renderer.
siteRenderer - Property in SpotBugsMojo
Doxia Site Renderer.
siteTool - Property in BaseViolationCheckMojo
siteTool - Property in SpotBugsMojo
siteTool - Property in SpotbugsReportGenerator
Doxia site tool.
skip - Property in BaseViolationCheckMojo
Skip entire check.
skip - Property in SpotBugsMojo
Skip entire check.
skipEmptyReport - Property in SpotBugsMojo
Skip the Spotbugs HTML report generation if there are no violations found.
SOURCE_ROOT_KEY - Field in SpotBugsInfo
The key to get the source directory message of the Plug-In from the bundle.
sourceEncoding - Property in BaseViolationCheckMojo
The file encoding to use when reading the source files.
sourceEncoding - Property in SpotBugsMojo
The file encoding to use when reading the source files.
SourceFileIndexer - Class in org.codehaus.mojo.spotbugs
Utility class used to transform path relative to the source directory to their path relative to the root directory.
SourceFileIndexer() - Constructor in SourceFileIndexer
spotbugsEfforts - Field in SpotBugsInfo
The spotbugs efforts as max, min, and default as default.
SpotBugsGui - Class in org.codehaus.mojo.spotbugs
Launch the Spotbugs GUI.
SpotBugsGui() - Constructor in SpotBugsGui
SpotBugsInfo - Interface in org.codehaus.mojo.spotbugs
Generates a Spotbugs Report when the site plugin is run.
SpotBugsMojo - Class in org.codehaus.mojo.spotbugs
Generates a SpotBugs Report when the site plugin is run.
SpotBugsMojo() - Constructor in SpotBugsMojo
SpotBugsPluginsTrait - Trait in org.codehaus.mojo.spotbugs
SpotBugs plugin support for Mojos.
spotbugsPriority - Field in SpotBugsInfo
The spotbugs priority as unknown, high, medium, and low.
SpotbugsReportGenerator - Class in org.codehaus.mojo.spotbugs
The reporter controls the generation of the SpotBugs report.
SpotbugsReportGenerator(org.apache.maven.doxia.sink.Sink, java.util.ResourceBundle, java.io.File, org.apache.maven.doxia.tools.SiteTool) - Constructor in SpotbugsReportGenerator
Default constructor.
spotbugsResults - Property in SpotbugsReportGenerator
Spotbugs results.
spotbugsResults - Property in XDocsReporter
Spotbugs Results.
spotbugsThresholds - Field in SpotBugsInfo
The spotbugs thresholds as high, experimental, low, medium, and default as medium.
spotbugsXmlOutputDirectory - Property in BaseViolationCheckMojo
Specifies the directory where the Spotbugs native xml output will be generated.
spotbugsXmlOutputDirectory - Property in SpotBugsGui
Specifies the directory where the Spotbugs native xml output will be generated.
spotbugsXmlOutputDirectory - Property in SpotBugsMojo
Specifies the directory where the Spotbugs native xml output will be generated.
spotbugsXmlOutputFilename - Property in BaseViolationCheckMojo
Set the name of the output XML file produced
spotbugsXmlOutputFilename - Property in SpotBugsGui
Set the name of the output XML file produced
spotbugsXmlOutputFilename - Property in SpotBugsMojo
Set the name of the output XML file produced
SUMMARY_KEY - Property in SpotbugsReportGenerator
The key to get the files title of the Plug-In from the bundle.
systemPropertyVariables - Property in SpotBugsMojo
System properties to set in the VM (or the forked VM if fork is enabled).


TEST_SOURCE_ROOT_KEY - Field in SpotBugsInfo
The key to get the source directory message of the Plug-In from the bundle.
testClassFilesDirectory - Property in BaseViolationCheckMojo
Directory containing the test class files for Spotbugs to analyze.
testClassFilesDirectory - Property in SpotBugsMojo
Directory containing the test class files for Spotbugs to analyze.
testSourceRoots - Property in SpotbugsReportGenerator
The directories containing the test-sources to be compiled.
testSourceRoots - Property in XDocsReporter
The directories containing the test sources to be compiled.
threshold - Property in BaseViolationCheckMojo
Threshold of minimum bug severity to report.
THRESHOLD_KEY - Property in SpotbugsReportGenerator
The key to get the threshold of the report from the bundle.
threshold - Property in SpotBugsMojo
Threshold of minimum bug severity to report.
threshold - Property in SpotbugsReportGenerator
The threshold of bugs severity.
threshold - Property in XDocsReporter
The threshold of bugs severity.
timeout - Property in BaseViolationCheckMojo
Specifies the amount of time, in milliseconds, that Spotbugs may run before it is assumed to be hung and is terminated.
timeout - Property in SpotBugsMojo
Specifies the amount of time, in milliseconds, that Spotbugs may run before it is assumed to be hung and is terminated.
trace - Property in BaseViolationCheckMojo
Prints a trace of detectors run and classes analyzed to standard output.
trace - Property in SpotBugsMojo
Prints a trace of detectors run and classes analyzed to standard output.
type - Property in PluginArtifact
The type defaulted as jar.


URL_SEPARATOR - Field in SpotBugsInfo
The character to separate URL tokens.
URL - Field in SpotBugsInfo
The url static string.
userPrefs - Property in SpotBugsMojo
Set the path of the user preferences file to use.


valueForLine(groovy.xml.slurpersupport.GPathResult) - Method in SpotbugsReportGenerator
Return the value to display.
VerifyMojo - Class in org.codehaus.mojo.spotbugs
Fail the build if any SpotBugs violations can be found in a preexisting spotBugs.xml file.
VerifyMojo() - Constructor in VerifyMojo
version - Property in PluginArtifact
The version.
VERSIONTITLE_KEY - Property in SpotbugsReportGenerator
The key to get the version title for SpotBugs from the bundle.
visitors - Property in BaseViolationCheckMojo
The visitor list to run.
visitors - Property in SpotBugsMojo
The visitor list to run.



XDocsReporter - Class in org.codehaus.mojo.spotbugs
The reporter controls the generation of the Spotbugs report.
XDocsReporter(java.util.ResourceBundle, org.apache.maven.plugin.logging.Log, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String) - Constructor in XDocsReporter
Default constructor.
xmlOutput - Property in BaseViolationCheckMojo
Turn on and off xml output of the Spotbugs report.
xmlOutput - Property in SpotBugsMojo
Turn on and off xml output of the Spotbugs report.
xmlOutputDirectory - Property in BaseViolationCheckMojo
Specifies the directory where the xml output will be generated.
xmlOutputDirectory - Property in SpotBugsMojo
Specifies the directory where the xml output will be generated.
xrefLocation - Property in BaseViolationCheckMojo
Location of the Xrefs to link to.
xrefLocation - Property in SpotBugsMojo
Location of the Xrefs to link to.
xrefLocation - Property in SpotbugsReportGenerator
Location of the Xrefs to link to.
xrefTestLocation - Property in BaseViolationCheckMojo
Location of the Test Xrefs to link to.
xrefTestLocation - Property in SpotBugsMojo
Location of the Test Xrefs to link to.
xrefTestLocation - Property in SpotbugsReportGenerator
Location of the Test Xrefs to link to.




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