- canGenerateReport() - Method in SpotBugsMojo
Checks whether prerequisites for generating this report are given.
- CheckMojo - Class in org.codehaus.mojo.spotbugs
Fail the build if there were any SpotBugs violations in the source code.
- CheckMojo() - Constructor in CheckMojo
- CLASS_SUFFIX - Field in SpotBugsInfo
The static class suffix.
- classFilesDirectory - Property in BaseViolationCheckMojo
Directory containing the class files for Spotbugs to analyze.
- classFilesDirectory - Property in SpotBugsGui
Directory containing the class files for Spotbugs to analyze.
- classFilesDirectory - Property in SpotBugsMojo
Directory containing the class files for Spotbugs to analyze.
- classifier - Property in PluginArtifact
The classifier.
- COLUMN_BUG_KEY - Property in SpotbugsReportGenerator
The key to get the column title for the bug.
- COLUMN_BUGS_KEY - Property in SpotbugsReportGenerator
The key to get the column title for the bugs.
- COLUMN_CATEGORY_KEY - Property in SpotbugsReportGenerator
The key to get the column title for the category.
- COLUMN_CLASS_KEY - Property in SpotbugsReportGenerator
The key to column title for the Class.
- COLUMN_CLASSES_KEY - Property in SpotbugsReportGenerator
The key to column title for the Classes.
- COLUMN_DETAILS_KEY - Property in SpotbugsReportGenerator
The key to get the column title for the details.
- COLUMN_ERRORS_KEY - Property in SpotbugsReportGenerator
The key to column title for the errors.
- COLUMN_FILES_KEY - Property in SpotbugsReportGenerator
The key to column title for the files.
- COLUMN_LINE_KEY - Property in SpotbugsReportGenerator
The key to get the column title for the line.
- COLUMN_MISSINGCLASSES_KEY - Property in SpotbugsReportGenerator
The key to column title for the files.
- COLUMN_PRIORITY_KEY - Property in SpotbugsReportGenerator
The key to get the column title for the priority.
- COMMA - Field in SpotBugsInfo
The comma character.
- compileSourceRoots - Property in SpotbugsReportGenerator
The directories containing the sources to be compiled.
- compileSourceRoots - Property in XDocsReporter
The directories containing the sources to be compiled.
- createSpotbugsAuxClasspathFile() - Method in SpotBugsMojo
Create the Spotbugs AuxClasspath file.
- currentClassName - Property in SpotbugsReportGenerator
The name of the current class which is analysed by SpotBugs.
- effort - Property in BaseViolationCheckMojo
Effort of the bug finders.
- EFFORT_KEY - Property in SpotbugsReportGenerator
The key to get the effort of the report from the bundle.
- effort - Property in SpotBugsGui
Effort of the bug finders.
- effort - Property in SpotBugsMojo
Effort of the bug finders.
- effort - Property in SpotbugsReportGenerator
The used effort for searching bugs.
- effort - Property in XDocsReporter
The used effort for searching bugs.
- encoding - Property in SpotBugsGui
The file encoding to use when reading the source files.
- EOL - Field in SpotBugsInfo
The end of line separator.
- errorCount - Property in SpotBugsMojo
The error count.
- errorCount - Property in SpotbugsReportGenerator
The running total of errors reported.
- evaluateThresholdParameter(java.lang.String) - Method in XDocsReporter
Returns the threshold string value for the integer input.
- excludeBugsFile - Property in BaseViolationCheckMojo
File names of the baseline files.
- excludeBugsFile - Property in SpotBugsMojo
File names of the baseline files.
- excludeBugsFiles - Property in SpotBugsMojo
File names of the baseline files.
- excludeFilterFile - Property in BaseViolationCheckMojo
File name of the exclude filter.
- excludeFilterFile - Property in SpotBugsMojo
File name of the exclude filter.
- excludeFilterFiles - Property in SpotBugsMojo
File name for exclude filter files.
- execute() - Method in BaseViolationCheckMojo
- execute() - Method in SpotBugsGui
- execute() - Method in SpotBugsMojo
- executeCheck() - Method in SpotBugsMojo
- executeReport(java.util.Locale) - Method in SpotBugsMojo
Executes the generation of the report.
- executeSpotbugs(java.io.File) - Method in SpotBugsMojo
Set up and run the Spotbugs engine.
- EXTENSIONS - Field in SpotBugsInfo
The extensions to search files for.
- sarifFullPath - Property in SpotBugsMojo
Sarif full Path used with sarif.
- sarifOutput - Property in SpotBugsMojo
Turn on and off SARIF output of the Spotbugs report.
- sarifOutputDirectory - Property in SpotBugsMojo
Specifies the directory where the sarif output will be generated.
- sarifOutputFilename - Property in SpotBugsMojo
Set the name of the output SARIF file produced.
- scanDirectory(java.io.File, List<String>, java.lang.String) - Method in SourceFileIndexer
Recursively scan the directory given and add all files found to the files array list.
- searchActualFilesLocation(java.lang.String) - Method in SourceFileIndexer
Transform partial path to complete path
- session - Property in BaseViolationCheckMojo
Maven Session.
- session - Property in SpotBugsGui
Maven Session.
- session - Property in SpotBugsMojo
Maven Session.
- setReportOutputDirectory(java.io.File) - Method in SpotBugsMojo
Set report output directory, allowed to be not read only as defined in AbstractMavenParent.
- sink - Property in SpotbugsReportGenerator
The sink to write the report to.
- siteRenderer - Property in BaseViolationCheckMojo
Doxia Site Renderer.
- siteRenderer - Property in SpotBugsMojo
Doxia Site Renderer.
- siteTool - Property in BaseViolationCheckMojo
- siteTool - Property in SpotBugsMojo
- siteTool - Property in SpotbugsReportGenerator
Doxia site tool.
- skip - Property in BaseViolationCheckMojo
Skip entire check.
- skip - Property in SpotBugsMojo
Skip entire check.
- skipEmptyReport - Property in SpotBugsMojo
Skip the Spotbugs HTML report generation if there are no violations found.
- SOURCE_ROOT_KEY - Field in SpotBugsInfo
The key to get the source directory message of the Plug-In from the bundle.
- sourceEncoding - Property in BaseViolationCheckMojo
The file encoding to use when reading the source files.
- sourceEncoding - Property in SpotBugsMojo
The file encoding to use when reading the source files.
- SourceFileIndexer - Class in org.codehaus.mojo.spotbugs
Utility class used to transform path relative to the source directory
to their path relative to the root directory.
- SourceFileIndexer() - Constructor in SourceFileIndexer
- spotbugsEfforts - Field in SpotBugsInfo
The spotbugs efforts as max, min, and default as default.
- SpotBugsGui - Class in org.codehaus.mojo.spotbugs
Launch the Spotbugs GUI.
- SpotBugsGui() - Constructor in SpotBugsGui
- SpotBugsInfo - Interface in org.codehaus.mojo.spotbugs
Generates a Spotbugs Report when the site plugin is run.
- SpotBugsMojo - Class in org.codehaus.mojo.spotbugs
Generates a SpotBugs Report when the site plugin is run.
- SpotBugsMojo() - Constructor in SpotBugsMojo
- SpotBugsPluginsTrait - Trait in org.codehaus.mojo.spotbugs
SpotBugs plugin support for Mojos.
- spotbugsPriority - Field in SpotBugsInfo
The spotbugs priority as unknown, high, medium, and low.
- SpotbugsReportGenerator - Class in org.codehaus.mojo.spotbugs
The reporter controls the generation of the SpotBugs report.
- SpotbugsReportGenerator(org.apache.maven.doxia.sink.Sink, java.util.ResourceBundle, java.io.File, org.apache.maven.doxia.tools.SiteTool) - Constructor in SpotbugsReportGenerator
Default constructor.
- spotbugsResults - Property in SpotbugsReportGenerator
Spotbugs results.
- spotbugsResults - Property in XDocsReporter
Spotbugs Results.
- spotbugsThresholds - Field in SpotBugsInfo
The spotbugs thresholds as high, experimental, low, medium, and default as medium.
- spotbugsXmlOutputDirectory - Property in BaseViolationCheckMojo
Specifies the directory where the Spotbugs native xml output will be generated.
- spotbugsXmlOutputDirectory - Property in SpotBugsGui
Specifies the directory where the Spotbugs native xml output will be generated.
- spotbugsXmlOutputDirectory - Property in SpotBugsMojo
Specifies the directory where the Spotbugs native xml output will be generated.
- spotbugsXmlOutputFilename - Property in BaseViolationCheckMojo
Set the name of the output XML file produced
- spotbugsXmlOutputFilename - Property in SpotBugsGui
Set the name of the output XML file produced
- spotbugsXmlOutputFilename - Property in SpotBugsMojo
Set the name of the output XML file produced
- SUMMARY_KEY - Property in SpotbugsReportGenerator
The key to get the files title of the Plug-In from the bundle.
- systemPropertyVariables - Property in SpotBugsMojo
System properties to set in the VM (or the forked VM if fork is enabled).
- TEST_SOURCE_ROOT_KEY - Field in SpotBugsInfo
The key to get the source directory message of the Plug-In from the bundle.
- testClassFilesDirectory - Property in BaseViolationCheckMojo
Directory containing the test class files for Spotbugs to analyze.
- testClassFilesDirectory - Property in SpotBugsMojo
Directory containing the test class files for Spotbugs to analyze.
- testSourceRoots - Property in SpotbugsReportGenerator
The directories containing the test-sources to be compiled.
- testSourceRoots - Property in XDocsReporter
The directories containing the test sources to be compiled.
- threshold - Property in BaseViolationCheckMojo
Threshold of minimum bug severity to report.
- THRESHOLD_KEY - Property in SpotbugsReportGenerator
The key to get the threshold of the report from the bundle.
- threshold - Property in SpotBugsMojo
Threshold of minimum bug severity to report.
- threshold - Property in SpotbugsReportGenerator
The threshold of bugs severity.
- threshold - Property in XDocsReporter
The threshold of bugs severity.
- timeout - Property in BaseViolationCheckMojo
Specifies the amount of time, in milliseconds, that Spotbugs may run before
it is assumed to be hung and is terminated.
- timeout - Property in SpotBugsMojo
Specifies the amount of time, in milliseconds, that Spotbugs may run before
it is assumed to be hung and is terminated.
- trace - Property in BaseViolationCheckMojo
Prints a trace of detectors run and classes analyzed to standard output.
- trace - Property in SpotBugsMojo
Prints a trace of detectors run and classes analyzed to standard output.
- type - Property in PluginArtifact
The type defaulted as jar.