@org.apache.maven.plugins.annotations.Mojo(name: spotbugs, requiresDependencyResolution: ResolutionScope.TEST, requiresProject: true, threadSafe: true) class SpotBugsMojo extends AbstractMavenReport implements SpotBugsPluginsTrait
Generates a SpotBugs Report when the site plugin is run. The HTML report is generated for site commands only.
Type | Name and description |
boolean |
addSourceDirs Run Spotbugs with -sourcepath parameter populated with the known source roots. |
org.apache.maven.shared.transfer.artifact.resolve.ArtifactResolver |
artifactResolver Artifact resolver, needed to download the coreplugin jar. |
int |
bugCount The bug count. |
java.util.ResourceBundle |
bundle The resource bundle. |
java.io.File |
classFilesDirectory Directory containing the class files for Spotbugs to analyze. |
boolean |
debug Turn on Spotbugs debugging. |
java.lang.String |
effort Effort of the bug finders. |
int |
errorCount The error count. |
java.lang.String |
excludeBugsFile File names of the baseline files. |
java.util.List |
excludeBugsFiles File names of the baseline files. |
java.lang.String |
excludeFilterFile File name of the exclude filter. |
java.util.List |
excludeFilterFiles File name for exclude filter files. |
RepositorySystem |
factory Used to look up Artifacts in the remote repository. |
boolean |
failOnError Fail the build on an error. |
boolean |
fork Fork a VM for Spotbugs analysis. |
boolean |
htmlOutput Turn on and off HTML output of the Spotbugs report. |
java.lang.String |
includeFilterFile File name of the include filter. |
java.util.List |
includeFilterFiles File name for include filter files. |
boolean |
includeTests Run Spotbugs on the tests. |
java.lang.String |
jvmArgs The arguments to pass to the forked VM (ignored if fork is disabled). |
int |
maxHeap Maximum Java heap size in megabytes (default=512). |
int |
maxRank Maximum bug ranking to record. |
boolean |
nested This option enables or disables scanning of nested jar and zip files found in the list of files and directories to be analyzed. |
boolean |
noClassOk Output empty warning file if no classes are specified. |
java.lang.String |
omitVisitors The visitor list to omit. |
java.lang.String |
onlyAnalyze Restrict analysis to the given comma-separated list of classes and packages. |
java.io.File |
outputDirectory Location where generated html will be created allowed to be not read only as defined in AbstractMavenParent. |
java.lang.String |
outputEncoding The file encoding to use when creating the HTML reports. |
java.io.File |
outputSpotbugsFile The output spotbugs file. |
java.util.List |
pluginArtifacts List of artifacts this plugin depends on. |
java.lang.String |
pluginList The plugin list to include in the report. |
PluginArtifact[] |
plugins Collection of PluginArtifact to work on. |
boolean |
relaxed Relaxed reporting mode. |
org.codehaus.plexus.resource.ResourceManager |
resourceManager Resource Manager. |
boolean |
sarifFullPath Sarif full Path used with sarif. |
boolean |
sarifOutput Turn on and off SARIF output of the Spotbugs report. |
java.io.File |
sarifOutputDirectory Specifies the directory where the sarif output will be generated. |
java.lang.String |
sarifOutputFilename Set the name of the output SARIF file produced. |
MavenSession |
session Maven Session. |
org.apache.maven.doxia.siterenderer.Renderer |
siteRenderer Doxia Site Renderer. |
org.apache.maven.doxia.tools.SiteTool |
siteTool SiteTool. |
boolean |
skip Skip entire check. |
boolean |
skipEmptyReport Skip the Spotbugs HTML report generation if there are no violations found. |
java.lang.String |
sourceEncoding The file encoding to use when reading the source files. |
java.io.File |
spotbugsXmlOutputDirectory Specifies the directory where the Spotbugs native xml output will be generated. |
java.lang.String |
spotbugsXmlOutputFilename Set the name of the output XML file produced |
java.util.Map<java.lang.String, java.lang.String> |
systemPropertyVariables System properties to set in the VM (or the forked VM if fork is enabled). |
java.io.File |
testClassFilesDirectory Directory containing the test class files for Spotbugs to analyze. |
java.lang.String |
threshold Threshold of minimum bug severity to report. |
int |
timeout Specifies the amount of time, in milliseconds, that Spotbugs may run before it is assumed to be hung and is terminated. |
boolean |
trace Prints a trace of detectors run and classes analyzed to standard output. |
java.lang.String |
userPrefs Set the path of the user preferences file to use. |
java.lang.String |
visitors The visitor list to run. |
boolean |
xmlOutput Turn on and off xml output of the Spotbugs report. |
java.io.File |
xmlOutputDirectory Specifies the directory where the xml output will be generated. |
java.io.File |
xrefLocation Location of the Xrefs to link to. |
java.io.File |
xrefTestLocation Location of the Test Xrefs to link to. |
Constructor and description |
SpotBugsMojo() |
Type Params | Return Type | Name and description |
boolean |
canGenerateReport() Checks whether prerequisites for generating this report are given. |
private java.io.File |
createSpotbugsAuxClasspathFile() Create the Spotbugs AuxClasspath file. |
void |
execute() |
private void |
executeCheck() |
void |
executeReport(java.util.Locale locale) Executes the generation of the report. |
private void |
executeSpotbugs(java.io.File outputFile) Set up and run the Spotbugs engine. |
private void |
forceFileCreation(java.io.File file) For the file creation by creating the file AND folder if needed. |
private void |
generateXDoc(java.util.Locale locale) |
java.util.ResourceBundle |
getBundle(java.lang.Object locale) |
java.lang.String |
getDescription(java.util.Locale locale) Returns the plugins description for the "generated reports" overview page. |
java.lang.String |
getName(java.util.Locale locale) Returns the plugins name for the "generated reports" overview page and the menu. |
protected java.lang.String |
getOutputDirectory() Returns the report output directory allowed to be not read only as defined in AbstractMavenParent. |
java.lang.String |
getOutputName() Returns report output file name, without the extension. |
protected org.apache.maven.doxia.siterenderer.Renderer |
getSiteRenderer() Return the Site Renderer. |
private java.util.ArrayList<java.lang.String> |
getSpotbugsArgs(java.io.File htmlTempFile, java.io.File xmlTempFile, java.io.File sarifTempFile) Get the Spotbugs command line arguments. |
protected java.lang.String |
getThresholdParameter() Returns the threshold parameter to use. |
protected boolean |
isJxrPluginEnabled() Determines if the JXR-Plugin is included in the report section of the POM. |
void |
setReportOutputDirectory(java.io.File reportOutputDirectory) Set report output directory, allowed to be not read only as defined in AbstractMavenParent. |
Run Spotbugs with -sourcepath parameter populated with the known source roots.
Artifact resolver, needed to download the coreplugin jar.
The bug count.
The resource bundle.
Directory containing the class files for Spotbugs to analyze.
Turn on Spotbugs debugging.
Effort of the bug finders. Valid values are Min, Default and Max.
The error count.
File names of the baseline files. Bugs found in the baseline files won't be reported.
Potential values are a filesystem path, a URL, or a classpath resource.
This parameter is resolved as resource, URL, then file. If successfully
resolved, the contents of the configuration is copied into the
directory before being passed to Spotbugs as a filter file.
This is a comma-delimited list.
File names of the baseline files. Bugs found in the baseline files won't be reported.
Potential values are a filesystem path, a URL, or a classpath resource.
This is an alternative to <excludeBugsFile>
which allows multiple
files to be specified as separate elements in a pom.
This parameter is resolved as resource, URL, then file. If successfully
resolved, the contents of the configuration is copied into the
directory before being passed to Spotbugs as a filter file.
File name of the exclude filter. Bugs matching the filters are not reported.
Potential values are a filesystem path, a URL, or a classpath resource.
This parameter is resolved as resource, URL, then file. If successfully
resolved, the contents of the configuration is copied into the
directory before being passed to Spotbugs as a filter file.
It supports multiple files separated by a comma
File name for exclude filter files. Bugs matching the filters are not reported.
This is an alternative to <excludeFilterFile>
which allows multiple
files to be specified as separate elements in a pom.
This parameter is resolved as resource, URL, then file. If successfully
resolved, the contents of the configuration is copied into the
directory before being passed to Spotbugs as a filter file.
Used to look up Artifacts in the remote repository.
Fail the build on an error.
Fork a VM for Spotbugs analysis. This will allow you to set timeouts and heap size.
Turn on and off HTML output of the Spotbugs report.
File name of the include filter. Only bugs in matching the filters are reported.
Potential values are a filesystem path, a URL, or a classpath resource.
This parameter is resolved as resource, URL, then file. If successfully
resolved, the contents of the configuration is copied into the
directory before being passed to Spotbugs as a filter file.
It supports multiple files separated by a comma
File name for include filter files. Only bugs in matching the filters are reported.
Potential values are a filesystem path, a URL, or a classpath resource.
This is an alternative to <includeFilterFile>
which allows multiple
files to be specified as separate elements in a pom.
This parameter is resolved as resource, URL, then file. If successfully
resolved, the contents of the configuration is copied into the
directory before being passed to Spotbugs as a filter file.
Run Spotbugs on the tests.
The arguments to pass to the forked VM (ignored if fork is disabled).
Maximum Java heap size in megabytes (default=512). This only works if the fork parameter is set true.
Maximum bug ranking to record.
This option enables or disables scanning of nested jar and zip files found in the list of files and directories to be analyzed.
Output empty warning file if no classes are specified.
The visitor list to omit. This is a comma-delimited list.
Restrict analysis to the given comma-separated list of classes and packages.
Location where generated html will be created allowed to be not read only as defined in AbstractMavenParent.
The file encoding to use when creating the HTML reports. If the property project.reporting.outputEncoding
is not set, the platform default encoding is used.
The output spotbugs file.
List of artifacts this plugin depends on. Used for resolving the Spotbugs core plugin.
The plugin list to include in the report. This is a comma-delimited list.
Potential values are a filesystem path, a URL, or a classpath resource.
This parameter is resolved as resource, URL, then file. If successfully
resolved, the contents of the configuration is copied into the
directory before being passed to Spotbugs as a plugin file.
Collection of PluginArtifact to work on. (PluginArtifact contains groupId, artifactId, version, type, classifier.) See Usage for details.
Relaxed reporting mode. For many detectors, this option suppresses the heuristics used to avoid reporting false positives.
Resource Manager.
Sarif full Path used with sarif.
Turn on and off SARIF output of the Spotbugs report. SARIF is a JSON format standardize for all code scanning tools. https://docs.github.com/en/code-security/secure-coding/integrating-with-code-scanning/sarif-support-for-code-scanning
Specifies the directory where the sarif output will be generated.
Set the name of the output SARIF file produced.
Maven Session.
Doxia Site Renderer.
Skip entire check.
Skip the Spotbugs HTML report generation if there are no violations found. Defaults to
The file encoding to use when reading the source files. If the property project.build.sourceEncoding
is not set, the platform default encoding is used.
Specifies the directory where the Spotbugs native xml output will be generated.
Set the name of the output XML file produced
System properties to set in the VM (or the forked VM if fork is enabled).
Directory containing the test class files for Spotbugs to analyze.
Threshold of minimum bug severity to report. Valid values are High, Default, Low, Ignore, and Exp (for experimental).
Specifies the amount of time, in milliseconds, that Spotbugs may run before it is assumed to be hung and is terminated. The default is 600,000 milliseconds, which is ten minutes. This only works if the fork parameter is set true.
Prints a trace of detectors run and classes analyzed to standard output. Useful for troubleshooting unexpected analysis failures.
Set the path of the user preferences file to use. Will try to read the path as a resource before treating it as a local path. This will read in a configuration file to set up Spotbugs. The parameters in the POM file will override anything in the config file
The visitor list to run. This is a comma-delimited list.
Turn on and off xml output of the Spotbugs report.
Specifies the directory where the xml output will be generated.
Location of the Xrefs to link to.
Location of the Test Xrefs to link to.
Checks whether prerequisites for generating this report are given.
Create the Spotbugs AuxClasspath file.
Executes the generation of the report. Callback from Maven Site Plugin.
- the wanted locale to generate the report, could be null.Set up and run the Spotbugs engine.
- the outputFileFor the file creation by creating the file AND folder if needed. The file created will be empty.
- Destination file to create.Returns the plugins description for the "generated reports" overview page.
- the locale the report should be generated forReturns the plugins name for the "generated reports" overview page and the menu.
- the locale the report should be generated forReturns the report output directory allowed to be not read only as defined in AbstractMavenParent. Called by AbstractMavenReport.execute() for creating the sink.
Returns report output file name, without the extension. Called by AbstractMavenReport.execute() for creating the sink.
Return the Site Renderer.
Get the Spotbugs command line arguments.
- Spotbugs html temp output filexmlTempFile
- Spotbugs xml temp output filesarifTempFile
- Spotbugs sarif temp output fileReturns the threshold parameter to use.
Determines if the JXR-Plugin is included in the report section of the POM.
- The bundle to load the artifactIf of the jxr plugin.Set report output directory, allowed to be not read only as defined in AbstractMavenParent.
spotbugs-maven-plugin Groovy Documentation