@org.apache.maven.plugins.annotations.Mojo(name: check, defaultPhase: LifecyclePhase.VERIFY, requiresDependencyResolution: ResolutionScope.TEST, requiresProject: true, threadSafe: true) @org.apache.maven.plugins.annotations.Execute(goal: spotbugs) class CheckMojo extends BaseViolationCheckMojo
Fail the build if there were any SpotBugs violations in the source code. An XML report is put out by default in the target directory with the errors. To see more documentation about SpotBugs' options, please see the SpotBugs Manual..
Properties inherited from class | Properties |
class BaseViolationCheckMojo |
artifactResolver, classFilesDirectory, debug, effort, excludeBugsFile, excludeFilterFile, failOnError, failThreshold, fork, includeFilterFile, includeTests, jvmArgs, maxAllowedViolations, maxHeap, maxRank, nested, omitVisitors, onlyAnalyze, outputDirectory, outputEncoding, pluginArtifacts, pluginList, quiet, relaxed, resourceManager, session, siteRenderer, siteTool, skip, sourceEncoding, spotbugsXmlOutputDirectory, spotbugsXmlOutputFilename, testClassFilesDirectory, threshold, timeout, trace, visitors, xmlOutput, xmlOutputDirectory, xrefLocation, xrefTestLocation |
Constructor and description |
CheckMojo() |
Methods inherited from class | Name |
class BaseViolationCheckMojo |
doSourceFilesExist, execute, printBugs |
spotbugs-maven-plugin Groovy Documentation